State of the Industry: Experts Predict the Future of Lawn Care in the Current Economy

The lawn care industry is experiencing significant changes as the economy shifts, and consumer demands evolve. Learn more about the current state of the industry in lawn care.

Experts predict that the future of lawn care will be shaped by a combination of factors, including an increased focus on sustainable and eco-friendly practices, technical advancements, and shifting consumer priorities.

As the industry adapts to these changes, businesses that provide lawn care services will need to stay informed and adjust their strategies to remain competitive and meet the needs of their customers.

The State of the Lawn Care Industry

Experts predict that the future of lawn care will be shaped by many factors, including:

Homeowners want more sustainable and eco-friendly landscape practices.

As climate change keeps rainfall at a minimum and we experience hotter summers, you’ll find that your customers want you to put in more sustainable landscapes.

For example, you’ll find that your customers may adopt Greek design landscaping because it requires 80% less maintenance.

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Greek landscaping also includes plants that don’t need fertilizer or other additives and use less water. These Mediterranean plants need only rainfall to survive.

Pea-size gravel is the stone type used in Greek landscape design, but you can give your clients options to match their home’s style and color scheme.

Greek landscaping and xeriscaping (another landscape design for dry climates) don’t need to be boring. For example, add container gardens filled with native plants for bursts of color.

Additionally, trees have been found to absorb carbon dioxide and are critical for sustainable landscapes.

However, the 2023 Garden Trends Report says, “Damage from heat and drought can stress them (trees) and make them more susceptible to disease and insect infestations.”

Your customers will need climate-resistant trees in their yards and a wide diversity of trees that can withstand climate change pressures.

Technical Advancements include Robotic Weeding Tools and Bluetooth Technology in Outdoor Sprinkler Systems

Did you know that the makers of Roomba made a weed-pulling robot? The Tertill® weeds gardens and flowerbeds, allowing customers more time to enjoy their outdoor living spaces.

Lawn irrigation systems, driplines, and bubblers can now be controlled with WiFi and Bluetooth technology. Empower your lawn care clients to take charge of their lawn and landscape health with these new technology tools.

Evolving Customer Priorities

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and chain supply shortages, people are now taking charge of their lives. Your customers want access to the most sustainable ways to take care of their properties.

And people want to be in charge of their lives and their destinies. What does this mean for the lawn and landscaping business? Here’s how each generation is taking control of their lives:

  • Boomers are now the Super-Agers. They want to use technology to free up their time to enjoy their retirement years. How can you help Super-Agers spend less time perfecting their lawns and landscapes and more time living?
  • Boomers also want accessibility. Overall, you’ll find your Boomer customers to be loyal. How can your lawn care and landscaping services help Boomers nurture their hobbies?
  • Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Zers are using TikTok. Should you add to your marketing plan and become a Green Industry Tok-er? Could you reach your audience through TikTok?

How Do These Changes Affect Your Lawn Care Business?

No one likes change, but to stay ahead of the business game, lawn care and landscaping companies need to adapt and be aware of these new trends in homeowners.

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Here are four tips to help you navigate these changing times and remine strong in the state of the industry:

Stay Informed

While these trends might only hit your region after some time, be aware of overall gardening trends. For example, Axiom Market Insights: 2023 Gardening Outlook predicts that more Gen Y, Gen Z, and men will spend more on gardening in 2023.

How can you help these demographics with their gardening desires and goals?

Stay up-to-date with these trends through lawn and landscape trade magazines, Axiom Marketing Garden Insights, released every January, and the Garden Trends Report, which comes out every fall.

Adapt your Business Strategies

While most of your customers may want to stick with your traditional lawn care program of fertilizing, weed control, and other lawn services, you may get a handful of customers wishing to make their properties more sustainable.

How can you serve a small group of customers who want to curb climate change and instead want sustainable lawn and landscape care?

Stay Competitive

What happens if you ignore industry trends because you service more traditional customers?

You may lose your ability to stay competitive. Lawn care and landscaping companies pop up all the time, and they’ll meet your customers’ demands for new and sustainable ways of taking care of their properties.

Meet the Needs of your Customers

Hopefully, you’re in business because you love plants, turf, and helping people improve their curb appeal.

But your customers’ needs should be your utmost priority. You need to employ organic lawn care for a customer who wants a sustainable lawn. If you ignore your customers’ needs and plow ahead with your philosophies, your customer base may shrink.

The customer may need to be aware of their best options, but their needs should prioritize when you service their properties. The state of the industry is very dependent on your client base.

Invest in Spyker Spreaders to Create Healthy Lawns and Landscapes

At Spyker, we have spreaders, lawn rollers, and sprayers to help you create healthy lawns and landscapes.

You can find our Spyker lawn sprayers and other landscaping products at your local dealer, online, or the Spyker store.

Spyker Customer Service: For warranty, service parts, or help at any time, reach out to our team by calling our toll-free number (800-972-6130) or emailing [email protected]. Replacement parts can also be ordered online at Spyker’s website.


Axiom Market Insights: 2023 Gardening Outlook (pdf).

Garden Trends Report: I Believe in Me. 2023 (pdf).
